Tampa So I have to take some goofy gov't tests on saturday, gov't wants to know if I R smrt

got this email from the gov't about an interview i went to a couple months back:


"Dear candidate,This is further to the above-mentioned selection process.
I am pleased to inform you that the assessment board has found you qualified for this position and has placed you in a pool of candidates that will be valid until May 30, 2014 for a possible appointment at a future date.
Thank you for your interest and participation in this external advertised appointment process."

WTF does this mean?
Then they interviewed you. You seemed qualified.

no hidden meaning or anything, just typical gov't we are desperate to fill this position and things are suffering while it is absent so we will fly people in from all over the country to interview you and after 2 months of deliberations we will tell you that we may or may not hire you sometime within the next year?

So I got the results from my tests back, 79/90 cognitive reasoning test, 32/50 english comprehension test.

My results were decent enough to get called back, so I have more tests on wednesday.

The email the gov't sent me this time talks about another test I have to take, but it doesn't have a handy hypertext study guide like the last ones, all it says is"

"3. Written Knowledge Test (1 hour and 30 minutes) - Assess the general knowledge of the principles of sciences and applied mathematics.
- A calculator is allowed to complete this test. This calculator must be specifically a calculator and not part of a cell phone, PDA or other electronic device that may have internet access or the ability to record or transmit testing material.

- A minimum pass mark of 70% is required. "

WTF does that encompass, wtf should I study for? I can't find any mention of this test on google, using search strings like industry canada written knoweldge test or canadian government written knowledge test.

general knowledge and applied are the key words here so it would seem to me.

Whatever I'm pretty excited. One guy at the last testing session was talking about the sliding range of scale tolerances, so I imagine it's probably math based around that sort of thing. Time to start firing tolerances into google and see what new things there are to learn about.
I don't think you can study for 'general knowledge'. Either you're already an idiot, or you aren't.

but its general science and applied math. I think you are right though, I'm pretty good at science and math as it is.

If there are any fucking laplace or fast fourier transforms or something on the test I am going to freak.
but its general science and applied math. I think you are right though, I'm pretty good at science and math as it is.

If there are any fucking laplace or fast fourier transforms or something on the test I am going to freak.

i think you're overestimating the government. YOu'd be lucky if the HR person giving the test could pronounce fourier right. @APRIL
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