Semper Fly! December 5, Sandy Eggo


If I had a dollar might give ya 99
Oct 15, 2004
So, Flynavy graduates from the Marines on Friday, December 5, 2008 in Sunny San Diego, California.

I am trying to see if anyone is interested in joining me for this. Marine Corps Graduation is a very very big thing and a proud accomplishment, the Graduation invites friends and family to meet the DI's, see the base, and witness a small part of what our guy has been up to for the past several months.

I plan on flying out Wednesday, December 3 and staying through Sunday, December 7. Graduation festivities and Friends and Family Day span Thursday - Friday, with Saturday being a total Tourist day and Sunday a travel day.

So far, I have Kevlar on the For Sure list, as she lives there, and if she doesn't go, I wouldn't have far to go to hunt her down and drag here there by force. :p

I'm trying to round up as many people as I can so on Graduation Day when Mike passes by the stands, he will have more than just my voice yelling his name and being proud of him. He's a great guy who deserves a great cheering section.

Who's with me?

When does he find where he will be stationed?

He's in the Reserves, but he's based out of Orange County, CA I believe. After Graduation he has liberty until after Christmas, then he will report back to San Diego for the rest of his schooling and stuff.
Why is he in the reserves? I thought he wanted to be a scout sniper in a war zone. Full active duty.
I haven't really talked to him about it. Most of our correspondance has been about click not returning our company's laptop to us, his finances, the house, and him stealing time to write to me on the pooper.

He's actually doing very well:

Super busy because of the job I
have. I was "hand picked" for this platoon because of the work I did while
healing in MRP2. Probably get a promotion out of this.


You're insane in the best way. I knew you'd get another puppy but I
thought it was going to be a big one. When will the house be ready?

Have them send me letters. Even if it's work questions, I still want to
get tons of mail. :D


Oh, Sean will like this. My Senior Drill Instructor is from NY (he's 25, a
few months YOUNGER than I am) and a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Mets fan. So a few
nights ago I was in here doing paperwork when the Cubbies trounced them
and I could barely hold in my smile so I found myself with "two hours of
firewatch untill the cubs lose, asshole. 0200 to 0400."


Write soon because mail takes longer to get once we're at Pendleton. We
leave tomorrow. omg

We won the Initial PFT (Physical Fitness Test) as well. :D

Think you'll have some spare room in the basement for a homeless Marine
this winter? :p

Probably won't get to touch the emails for another few weeks. We'll see.
So send something with the new address quick or I'll just have to start
mailing you at work, which is ok but I'm also supposed to keep my next of
kin information updated with any changes.


ok so I'm up at Camp Pendleton (been here since Saturday) and we're at the
end of grass week (where we snap in and dry fire with our rifles before
live firing all next week) and we've been learning a ton. tomorrow we've
got a 5-mile hike with main packs, flak jackets, helmets, the whole
shebang :eek:

everything is still pretty much the same. it's cold in the mornings, hot
during the days and we haven't washed our cammies in weeks

have you gotten any of my letters? I haven't gotten shit from anyone yet


I'm serving as both the
head scribe for this platoon and the company scribe in charge of keeping
the counts updated for all six platoons in Mike Company (515 recruits, 514
weapons). So it keeps me insanely busy. I don't get more than 5-6 hours of
sleep ever, usually around 4 because I square away my gear and even shower
in the middle of the night.


Been shooting all week, qualification day is tomorrow and I'm doing pretty
well. 500 yards is a bitch with iron sights but we have a really good
marksmanship instructor.


We start field week on Monday and we're doing the gas chamber next week
because our Crucible schedule (yeah, we have one too and ours is tougher
^_^ we have to hike up a big-ass mountain called the Reaper) was changed.
We were originally going to complete it on thanksgiving morning and
recieve our EGAs that day but for some reason they want us to be done on
Wednesday instead. Gradiation schedule stays the same though.


ps: tell jen to send pictures. when I got her letter during mail call this
is the way the conversation went

"taylor m"
"who's jennifer?"
"friend from work, sir"
"she hot?"
"yes sir"
"pictures or you're carrying two packs on the 8-mile hike"
"aye-aye, sir"


This is what I know.
I'd like to but things are things right now. Like I said, I will let you know.

I didn't really make this thread to harrass you further about it, but if it makes you happy you can pretend I'm e-stalking you :fly:
Do you ever worry? Ever? About anything?


Nothing comes to mind. I was worried for a moment the other day when Bane attacked me in the hallway. I didn't see him coming and it freaked me out.

We've already had this discussion, you won't find it. ;)
Nothing comes to mind. I was worried for a moment the other day when Bane attacked me in the hallway. I didn't see him coming and it freaked me out.

We've already had this discussion, you won't find it. ;)

I was trying to keep our elationship off of the forum. Good job. Now I'm going to have to dump you. You have 3 days.
It's true I am. :(

Even if people can't go to San Diego, which is understandable, is anyone interested in sending him some snail mail?