WTF Sandy is a filthy whore!



lol, nope not ME. Groce. But, I have seen it. And...I don't get it. How do these chicks not just walk around with crap falling out of their butts all the time?!

it feels like your butt is whistling for a bit... then it starts to close up.

geez, what a difference


Should people have not worried about irene either Asa? :rolleyes:


brace yourself

Ugghhhh, the wind gusts sound like a plane overhead. I will NOT be sleeping tonight!

Someone get me a valium, or something. I dunno, I've never taken anything lilke that. But, I always hear freaked out people say that, so I guess it means something. :fly:

its pretty bad here all the way up in canada... i cant even imagine wtf you guys are going thru...

also, some lady in toronto died when a billboard sign or someshit blew off and landed on her head!!! HER HEAD!!!!
We had 30mph gusts in Tampa today from this thing. Seriously wtf

elevators in our building at work were making horror movie high speed squealing wind noises all day. they closed the circular doors at my condo. neither is even vaguely usual.