WTF Private Healthcare Sucks, but less than public

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going to the dentist is NOT covered here... i think a kid can get a check up once a year and its covered or soemthing. its really expensive too.
but we have great insurance coverage for dental and medicines and stuff.

whats the health system like in australia liamz?

Runs fine. Everyone is covered, always available.

Juli was even covered when she was down there on holiday last year.
The problem was that his face was very swollen! :( He'd been having pain for a couple of days then it this came about. I knew it was the result of an abcess. This means it could be 43789 times worse tomorrow! When it gets that bad, the pain is worse than child birth, I are not kidding!

I tried calling our primary provider several times throughout the morning on my way back from DC and when I got home. I kept getting a voicemail. I called the Ins. Co. after I was turned away from many offices. The rules are, if your primary care doc can't see you, then you're shit out of luck, unless you ask for an emergency authorization! So, I called for either that or some way for them to get me a provider that can see him today!

And as Liam mentioned, the ins rep called one very office that straight said she won't accept anyone new!
So anyway, this woman got me an appt today. The dentist found that my son has an abcess infection that spans three teeth! :/

Sounds like an HMO, in which case it's the insurance itself which is shitty and not the doctors per se. There are rules with HMO's that doctors have to follow, the whole Health Management Organization thing... this is pretty much how a government managed health system would work but on a larger, more messed up scale.
Sounds like an HMO, in which case it's the insurance itself which is shitty and not the doctors per se. There are rules with HMO's that doctors have to follow, the whole Health Management Organization thing... this is pretty much how a government managed health system would work but on a larger, more messed up scale.

Even under a PPO, I still had to call to find out if people were taking new patients.
Sounds like an HMO, in which case it's the insurance itself which is shitty and not the doctors per se. There are rules with HMO's that doctors have to follow, the whole Health Management Organization thing... this is pretty much how a government managed health system would work but on a larger, more messed up scale.

It's a DMO.

But, we're migrating over to Cigna PPO in the near future.
Which is great because the dentist that I took my son to yesterday is soooo nice and I want o keep him!
He was absolutely the nicest dentist I've ever met, and his office had a sign up stating that they no longer will accept [our Insurance] after November, but they will accept, (list....), Cigna PPO.

loll.....Teh IRUNNEEZ!!
Well yes but you don't have to consult with the primary provider first so you have many more options

I didn't have to do that either...Just didn't see them with my son, because they were assholes and didn't respond to my voicemails!
So eff them and their denticles! I haz moved on to teh azhunz dentist, and he is our new primary.
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