post your desk

Macs for the most part are still the industry standard in graphic design even though most of the apps they use are now available on PCs.

macs aren't macs anymore anyway...they run on x86 hardware so all the pseudo elitism is for naught
My macs are mostly used for INTERNETING.

and photos.

whoopty fucking dooooo

I just like the way the OS runs a lot better than XP. It's more fluid.
Do macs do Lightwave or Maya?

Maya can run on a Mac, windows, or linux. It seems to work best on Linux from what I have seen. Although I'm not sure what all has changed since they were bought by Autodesk.

I should take a Maya class sometime. i can do it for free as long as it doesn't conflict with my work schedule.
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Apple insults my intelligence by making the computer so easy to use my grandmother can make HDR photos on it.
My shit be messy
Since this thread was resurrected, it shall motivate me to put our computer desk back together and clean it all up tomorrow and take a pic.