Obama is really pulling out all of the stops

ulterior: going beyond what is openly said or shown and especially what is proper


ZOMG, Chikken said it, too!!!!


Problem is, Obama is the only pushing for this new change in people. People wont take is seriously because he's a politician...........and he's black.......half black......

if he was serious about it, then he should've left his name/face out of it... yet he wanted to be apart of it.
if he was serious about it, then he should've left his name/face out of it... yet he wanted to be apart of it.

I'm not sure he made this.. Or ordered this to be made.. Wasn't it Oprah?

People just need to chill. I probably hate government more than anyone here yet I can easily see this is a good thing that doesn't need to be tainted with partisan bickering..
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I'm not sure he made this.. Or ordered this to be made.. Wasn't it Opera?
People just need to chill. I probably hate govxzmnbcvcx ernment more than anyone here yet I can easily see this is a good thing that doesn't need to be tainted with partisan bickering..
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i didnt read the thread just watched most of the vid and right at the end it says a harpo production, thats oprahs company, how the fuck is that paid for by our tax dollars, i mean ya know damn fuckin well she didnt charge fuckin obama for that shit

ask not what your country can do for you fucktard

I'm not sure you're stable enough to post here. You might want to have some tea and relax a while before continuing.

Have you ever tried meditating?

Also, who are you? Are you new from El Stupidiezezszeze or whatever?
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I'm not sure you're stable enough to post here. You might want to have some tea and relax a while before continuing.

Have you ever tried meditating?

Also, who are you? Are you new from El Stupidiezezszeze or whatever?

i take xanax and smoke weed i'm cool and relaxed, but this thread is nonsense
True. I'm sure if it wasn't so competitive a business it would be waaaay more expensive.



It's expensive because there aren't that many options so people can charge whatever they want. Downtown Cleveland there are 3 options for broadband. They can name their price and no one can say anything about it but pay it (if they want it of course, because it isn't a commodity).

Hell dialup costs 27 litres of petrol a month :lol:
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It's expensive because there aren't that many options so people can charge whatever they want. Downtown Cleveland there are 3 options for broadband. They can name their price and no one can say anything about it but pay it (if they want it of course, because it isn't a commodity).

Hell dialup costs 27 litres of petrol a month :lol:

were it not for capitalism that made the proliferation of internet technology so rapid, access would be much more limited and it would cost a hell of a lot more.
Oh well, I guess we're more advanced in greedy pig terms then because I could choose from tons of different providers in my city.

Move to a civilised town.

greedy pigs are the reason that the computer you're posting on even exists. thank pigs like bill gates and steve jobs

also thank pigs like them for cheap and widely available cars, medical technologies, air travel, the entertainment industry and the various space programs of the world. but no, if you want to pretend that capitalism hasn't been the goddamn driving force of innovation in the world since the dawn of civilization then you go right ahead. ignore the fact that the first recorded system of writing was invented to keep track of financial records :fly: