FYI Net Neutrality has been repealed. Time to say goodbye to the internet

Not to defend Comcast and the like but I daresay that govt you trust so much to run everything in your lives hasnt been an angel either
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I'm not sure I've ever lived in an area where I didn't have multiple isps available to me.

I've recently read that about 30% only has access to one. It's how things start.

FFS. There's areas all over MI where I'd be stuck with cell service for biz internet use at home.

For that matter, I've got farmer friends here who can only get super slow internet speeds here, 40 miles outside of chicago. They can buy netflix to watch on their phone with an unlimited data plan, but for cable internet? It doesn't exist. As wireless gets better that will change, but you don't need to penalize future new competition with massive regs.
I've recently read that about 30% only has access to one. It's how things start.

FFS. There's areas all over MI where I'd be stuck with cell service for biz internet use at home.

For that matter, I've got farmer friends here who can only get super slow internet speeds here, 40 miles outside of chicago. As wireless gets better that will change, but you don't need to penalize future new competition with massive regs.
The same regulations that Verizon said weren't decreasing investment in their infrastructure on an earnings call to their investors?

Yeah, ride that horse and make sure you get on the phone to the lawyers suing VZ about lying to their investors (which is basically the only people they're legally beholden to not fucking lie to)
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I'd like to campaign with you but there's more than 50% of america that only has one grocery store to buy from and you're not exactly pussy hatting around town about that.
The grocery store isn't a public utility, the internet is.

I, as a taxpayer, never paid for a grocery store's construction. I have, on the other hand, subsidized the buildout of network infrastructure in the US.
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It's like you guys don't get how competition works. Yes the first guys charge more (investment recovery), but when others come in and COMPETE prices drop.

Back in the 90's I paid $75/mo for a 100 minute package of cell service before cost per minute prices kicked in. Today, it's unlimited, with unlimited texts, and blazing data up to 4gb, then it gets throttled down - all for $50/month. All due to competition.
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It's like you guys don't get how competition works. Yes the first guys charge more (investment recovery), but when others come in and COMPETE prices drop.

Back in the 90's I paid $75/mo for a 100 minute package of cell service before cost per minute prices kicked in. Today, it's unlimited, with unlimited texts, and blazing data up to 4gb, then it gets throttled down - all for $50/month. All due to competition.
Nobody's coming in to compete with Comcast.

Why would anybody come in to lay cable when the ROI on a competitive market is smaller than what they could get by just buying up a competitor?
  • Gravy
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The grocery store isn't a public utility, the internet is.

I, as a taxpayer, never paid for a grocery store's construction. I have, on the other hand, subsidized the buildout of network infrastructure in the US.

Your taxes probably have paid for a store's construction through some "social program"
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It's like you guys don't get how competition works. Yes the first guys charge more (investment recovery), but when others come in and COMPETE prices drop.

Back in the 90's I paid $75/mo for a 100 minute package of cell service before cost per minute prices kicked in. Today, it's unlimited, with unlimited texts, and blazing data up to 4gb, then it gets throttled down - all for $50/month. All due to competition.

the lines are the problem. If comcast, or verizon has laid the lines, they are permitted to disallow any other company from using the lines, thus making competition impossible
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