
Oct 1, 2004
The president and all the VPs at my company like to brag about who has the slowest PC. I'm replacing all of their Pentium 2 ~350s with 3Ghz P4s. They aren't gonna be happy. :fly:
I finished my lunch that consisted of the following: grilled potato slices, cubed pork steak, grilled asparagus spears, chopped, sauteed mushrooms and onions and bits of bacon. I am now on the verge of slipping into a coma.
fly said:
oh, well that works.

could you poop on the burger, the put on some burger hunting clothes and take pics for us?

maybe, but it's likely to be bloody. my insides haven't hurt like this since I got kicked in the kidneys
jaxxor said:
maybe, but it's likely to be bloody. my insides haven't hurt like this since I got kicked in the kidneys

poor thing :( Guess I'll be drinking alone tonight :noes:
happily neverafter said:
poor thing :( Guess I'll be drinking alone tonight :noes:

I have not yet begun to fight!

Everybody knows the best cure for a torn up stomach lining is whisky and beer.
my dad got kicked in the kidney by a horse. now he's in a hospital in houston getting checked out
Drool-Boy said:
Ive never done that:shady:
one of my friends here got in trouble for "time card fraud", when he was off by TWO MINUTES on his card. they checked the card swipe times (we have to going in and going out). this happened twice and he not only got written up but had the three whole minutes taken out of his next pay :rolleyes: