FYI Lean Pockets Suck

Better than or worse than a pocket that is so baggy things fall out?

Its rarely the bagginess of the pocket thats the problem, but rather the angle. I dont know if women have this problem, but mens pants do this often. It enrages me. The pockets are at too shallow of an angle, and every time you sit down, EVERYTHING FALLS OUT OF YOUR POCKETS.

it makes me want to stab people.
Me either, but he does it. Reconstructed tofu or something.

When I used to live in the vegan hippy centre one of the guys recreated a turkey, bones included, out of vegan materials. Quite masterful.

while I am sure he is quite talented, I can't think a bigger waste of time

"look bones, but they aren't real bones... took me 6 hours, here's your drumstick, it tastes like cardboard"