Kiki's Toys

yeah man.. 19 years. and yes, i was runnin THROUGH em before enemy was born.

bein there every day is better in general too. i told ja we could have a baby as long as she NEVER made me wknd dad again. to which, if you know my wife you'll understand, she replied "well, don't do anything to make me leave!!!!" :lol:
Kiko (his internet name) did the wounded soldier thing too.. it was funny. but he didnt crawl too long... he figured out to get himself up along the furniture and off he went.. he started that @ 11months and walked on his 1st bday.
Kiko was also born 2 months premature so we were so worried he was going to lag in just about everything, but so far so good.
he has little hot wheels cars and calls them COO CAAH (cool cars) his other cars are cars but the shiny ones are cool cars. he is so fucking awesome.
i could go on foreveeeeeeeeeeer

PS: you + proud daddy = 10000x more sexy


and you're the moar sexy for being a good mama!! :heart:
when's your son's birthday? my toddler's going to be two on sunday. :eek: he also loves his hot wheels!
four minutes??? is that start-to-finish or HER time? man...if she's got four-minute-longs, she at least needs to share HOW. :fly:
the wife was close to going early too (very early...), but held on nicely and had him just 10 days before due date.