just bought the Z06!!!!!

zengirl said:
:( You make my heart hurt
You might want to see a doctor about that.
Desslock said:
No, of course not.


And its Z06 fruitypants:fly:
Bah, I can hardly see straight a 0 more or less aint gonna matter to me :D

With that said I'm going to bed to sleep and wake up to a wonderful 13hour workday tomorrow... yay...
Fat Burger said:
why_ask_why's woman ran off with April23. Fuxx is pregnant. theacoustician won $4 on a scratch-off lottery ticket. fly upgraded to vbull 3.5. JJ Lady got drunk and told her boss, an American Indian, to "Get back on your side of the border".

aaaaahahaha, that's the FatBurger I miss! :lol:
ChikkenNoodul said:
Ahahahha, that kicks ass

Must've felt good

Congrats mang :D

You ever get the Tib back from the shop?

yup, got the tib back on friday...didn't waste any time parting ways...she was traded in :)

just picked it up and all I can say is :drool:
Sarcasmo said:
Pics, man, pics!

my digicam and minidv cam were stolen from my car in the keys a couple months ago...maybe spange can take some pics when I swing by his place

gotta catch up on a bunch of work I missed while getting the car this morning...wish I could take the rest of the day off and cruise around!