i'm in agony at work and can't leave

BigDov said:
Dang! Well at least you're starting to feel a bit better. Isn't that liquid bandaid stuff just superglue in disguise??

You know, here's an old foot comfort remedy, shared with me by an old female friend. We worked together in a pizza type restaurant, on our feet all day, and we both would get blisters every now and then. She shared the secret of all secrets for foot comfort- a maxi-pad. She said it was better than a Dr. Scholl's insert in every way, and served a dual purpose in a pinch. I was given one on a particularly long day, and I have to admit, that they were pure heaven.

But, of course, your mileage may vary. :fly:
that's hilarious:lol:
F33nX said:
wings or no wings :fly: ? and what level of absorbency?

I don't think they were winged, and they were the maxi's out of the bathroom, so I don't know how absorbant they were. All I know is, it was a feeling I would associate to what walking on clouds must feel like. It was awesome.
BigDov said:
I don't think they were winged, and they were the maxi's out of the bathroom, so I don't know how absorbant they were. All I know is, it was a feeling I would associate to what walking on clouds must feel like. It was awesome.

that's hilarious. simply hilarious. i would never ever have thought of doing that. :lol:
F33nX said:
i'm not, i don't want to be squishing around the office, and it's bad enough that they're made for another ickier purpose:p

Use them next time you go running!! :lol: Even better than that, use them when you go hunting- they could provide an added layer of warmth for your feetsies! :fly:

BigDov said:
Use them next time you go running!! :lol: Even better than that, use them when you go hunting- they could provide an added layer of warmth for your feetsies! :fly:


omfg i can just see that this weekend:
"here honey, try these in your boots"


::ridicule ensues::
F33nX said:
omfg i can just see that this weekend:
"here honey, try these in your boots"

"WHAT THE FLYING f*ck?!?!?!?!"

::ridicule ensues::

That's pretty close to how it played out when I was first approached about it....... he'll get over it cause they're oh-so comfy :fly:

:heart: for you too