I dislike...

my little brony

Keep Being A Little Bitch
Oct 15, 2004
1. Domain squatters. Fifty grand for something on which you have no real content and most of your traffic is coming from the url being on someone else's business cards? Fuck you!

2. Litterbugs. For christ's sake, it takes so little effort to actually throw something away, wtf is wrong with people?

3. Folks who don't understand the concept of passing lanes. You're holding up a lot of traffic matching speeds with that semi you Wisconsonite twatwaffle. MOVE!

4. Old rednecks that hate science. Yknow what? Science has nearly double the human lifespan in a mere century, allowed for instant global communication and is responsible for the car you drive, the food you eat, the medicine that keeps you alive and the computer you're using to bitch about higher education and science. God didn't put a man on the moon, science did.

5. Perfectly able-bodied individuals who don't shower before seeing their doctor. You reek, madam.

More to come as I think of them.
I once threw away a piece of floss out of the car window. I never litter, but for some reason didn't think of anything when I did this.

I got reamed out by fly. :(
Littering assholes really piss me off, especially since I live on a corner lot and there is always trash of some sort on my lawn. Living next to the goddamn Beverly Hillbillies doesnt help much either.
Littering assholes really piss me off, especially since I live on a corner lot and there is always trash of some sort on my lawn. Living next to the goddamn Beverly Hillbillies doesnt help much either.

No freaking joke. We live on a corner lot too and there is always a candy wrapper, beer can, receipts, cig packages etc in our yard at all times.

Fly doesn't know this because he doesn't do yard work. :fly:
Littering assholes really piss me off, especially since I live on a corner lot and there is always trash of some sort on my lawn. Living next to the goddamn Beverly Hillbillies doesnt help much either.

I live right near a dumpster and damned if people don't just throw their trash on the ground rather than walking 10 feet farther to the dumpster. :mad:
8. Neighbours who play "Rock you like a Hurricane" super loud when my son is trying to sleep
Yeah that gets me too. Not as much as litter since poo washes away after a hard rain, but still its not nice.

Well, there's this one stretch of sidewalk by my place that the grass is just laden with turd bombs. Like, it's gross to let my dog walk in there because of all of the other dog turds. Sure it washes away eventually but it's much worse to step in a dog turd than to step on a soda can.
Well, there's this one stretch of sidewalk by my place that the grass is just laden with turd bombs. Like, it's gross to let my dog walk in there because of all of the other dog turds. Sure it washes away eventually but it's much worse to step in a dog turd than to step on a soda can.

I realized that I stepped in a turn a couple weeks ago, only after I got in my car and smeared it all over the carpet :mad:
9. Freaking October days that are 15-20 degrees above normal.

:lol: Yeah it's 85 here now and humid as hell.... wait... do you think hell is humid, or is it a dry heat? Which would be worse? Sure humidity makes it hard to breathe and stuff, but a dry heat... now that'll wreck you faster than humid heat.

wait... what was I saying?

Oh yeah, it's 85 here today and humid as... well.. you got that part already. The wedding is a week from tomorrow and I think the high temp is going to be 61. That's the thing about the weather around here, if you don't like it... just wait.