I came. Florida

I've been falling asleep by 8pm lately.. which sucks because I don't get home from work until about 7 so that's an hour between getting home and passing out on the couch, then stumbling my way to bed at 9.

But I get up at 5... I'm soo gosh darn tired in the evenings. I'm so old.
everybody's old people are workin' for the weekend

took me several tries to figure out it's [ s ] not [ strike ]
so the wife, who had been on a weight watchers diet previously, finally got to sample salmon de valve.. she LOVED it. "best piece of salmon I've ever had" was the quote.

you guys are welcome to come over and let us make it for you. ;-)
so the wife, who had been on a weight watchers diet previously, finally got to sample salmon de valve.. she LOVED it. "best piece of salmon I've ever had" was the quote.

you guys are welcome to come over and let us make it for you. ;-)

We had it too... delicious and simple.