HELP! Accidently deleted document on Portable Apps.

I can get you a copy of GetDataBack too if you need it. That works well for recovering deleted files...but I've never tried it on a thumbdrive
well... i beleive most thumb drives are FAT32, so file undelete programs SHOULD be able to recover the file... if that's any consolation. you'll have to do it at home though.

it's almost quittin time anyways
Open a command prompt

type 'debug' and ENTER

type 'l100 2 0 256' and ENTER

type 'd' and ENTER, repeat until you see the file you deleted with @ replacing the first character of the filename

take note of the address of the @

xxxx is the address, y is the first character of the filename
type 'exxxx "y"' ENTER

type 'w100 2 0 256' ENTER

File should be back, in theory
Open a command prompt

type 'debug' and ENTER

type 'l100 2 0 256' and ENTER

type 'd' and ENTER, repeat until you see the file you deleted with @ replacing the first character of the filename

take note of the address of the @

xxxx is the address, y is the first character of the filename
type 'exxxx "y"' ENTER

type 'w100 2 0 256' ENTER

File should be back, in theory

Or youll create a hole in the space-time continuum. Which would be cool too.
Open a command prompt

type 'debug' and ENTER

type 'l100 2 0 256' and ENTER

type 'd' and ENTER, repeat until you see the file you deleted with @ replacing the first character of the filename

take note of the address of the @

xxxx is the address, y is the first character of the filename
type 'exxxx "y"' ENTER

type 'w100 2 0 256' ENTER

File should be back, in theory

I'm sorry I don't know how to do the first step.
disk error reading drive C. It did pop up a nice "blah blah trying to directly access hard drive blah blah" with an ignore button though.