Fat Burger's blog

elpmis said:
You know what FatBurger fuck you and fuck your blog

If you could be Santa Anna or Jim Crockett, who would you be and why?
smileynev said:
If you could be Santa Anna or Jim Crockett, who would you be and why?
Santa Anna, only because he was pimp enough to be like "Hey guys, now that I'm president of Mexico I'm thinking it's not really ready for a democracy - so just consider me your fucking dictator"
Drool-Boy said:
Santa Anna was missing a leg, but he was quite the ladies man.

I think it was the white beard and flying chihauhas...
elpmis said:
Santa Anna, only because he was pimp enough to be like "Hey guys, now that I'm president of Mexico I'm thinking it's not really ready for a democracy - so just consider me your fucking dictator"

Woah, he sounds like Bush