Contest: This one's for everyone


Oct 1, 2004
Post a 3 digit number and at least a two sentence explanation of why you chose that number.

Winner will be determined by whoever is closest to the Florida Lottery Cash 3 number on Friday evening. Winner receives a $20 gift card to Circuit City!

*If your post shows as edited, that invalidates said post.
* Please don't post more than one number or you will be excluded.


Because for some reason I was thinking of that Warren G song where he says "All you skirts know what's up with 213".

I went with 241 because it's the name of a song from Reel Big Fish. I play the trombone so I love to just run around, yes run, the house and play it really loud, out of tune, and with a terrible embucher. It's great times. Someone stole my trombone though 5 months ago and i haven't gotten a new one. Kids these days. Also, cocks.
256. because it's an area code i know. because i see the exit sign off the interstate in my head and i coast the rest of the way to the stop light.

There aren't many three digit numbers that have any special significance for me, so I decided to go for the local of the two. This is my current area code. The other option would have been the area code I grew up in, but I gotta rep FW.

cuz i got hos in diff'r'nt area codes. this is a second sentence detailing that I like the contrast between the angular 4s surrounding the curvaceous 0 like a threesome waiting to happen
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521 - because thats how I roll.

PS. I'm easy like your mom.

Jesus fucking christ, I am so sick of Zac telling me what to do. So I've decided to choose 521, because thats how I roll.

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