Baby Comments and complaints about the new UF.

Yes. Added the transload feature.
I'm thinking about hiding all NSFW threads unless you opt-in via your control panel. What do you guys think?

may cause too many limitations on participation. there's a lot of potentially nsfw stuff that peeps can skip over if they don't want to or can't open it for whatever reason. but if you do that, i'd imagine everyone allowing it only so they could do what they do now, choose to open a link, or skip it.

I look at this idea like the brilliance of having to put your birthdate in on alcohol sites before you get access to it.

Screenshot please. Are you sure you aren't just looking at people who don't have them? Do you have an ad blocker enabled?
No ad block on my MAC
I saw only my avatar. I went thru lots of threads and can only see mine.
On the main page I can see you have a fly and Poppy Pants has mustard and April has a cat but once in the thread I only see my Mama Kardashian...

I would send you a screenshot but I am no longer at home. And I'm using my phone now...