"Bought a new watch." or "I'll probably get a warning about not posting soon"


I Robert I

Got this from Ebay today. I think it looks kinda nice. What say you?

In the pics it looks kinda brown, that's only visible in really strong sunlight though.



Price? Not expensive.
itburnswhenipee said:
Bah... you should have bought a Timex. I understand you can lick one all day long without interrupting it's operation.
But does it taste as good as the standard Seiko?
I Robert I said:
Very nice. Kinda out of my pricerange though.. by a lot :D But even if I had the money for it I think it'd look too big on my girly wrists. Sucks to buy watches with wrists as small as mine.

You're using too much elbow when you.....you know. Put more wrist into it.