[Article] Article: new uf feature: user tea bagging

Article: new uf feature: user tagging

The ability to enable/disable various alerts is now available in your control panel. In the upper right corner, click on Settings, then scroll towards the bottom. On the left, you'll see some settings for User Tagging. It looks like this:


Quote notifications have been re-enabled. If you don't like them, you can now disable them on your own. Additionally, we're in full Twitter mode. You can now #HASHTAG a thread, and subscribe to hashtags in your control panel. I expect this feature to never be useful here. :lol:

Love thiiiiis!
Who ever turned you to these ideas is awesome !
@kiwi is winning the gravy war! If you want to check out the statistics, click on Community (towards the top of the page) and Gravy Statistics.
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