Thread Aprilllll, don't let us die!

No, not even 5 gallons, just probably one or two gallons, hehe. You're not allowed to have pets in the dorm but here in Hawai'i they allow fishes.
I'd love to adopt a second kitten, but I really worry about what would happen if my first cat goes total bitch and just flat out refuses a second cat in the house, even though I have a guess that she's kind of lonely when I'm not home. I figure the only way to make it work is to get a kitten and hope it triggers some kind of maternal instincts in my first cat, but if it doesn't, what the heck do I do then. Bring the kitten back?
Cats get along fine as long as they are introduced properly and slowly. Never just bring a cat home and plop it in front of your other cat. That already makes cat #1 defensive. Google this for tricks depending on your cat type.

We brought home Ed and Lu and locked them in the guest bedroom. Then introduced their smells slowly to the older cats. Once they seemed interested in getting to know what's behind the door we let them both come in... There was hissing, but it's just natural cat talk of who is in charge. Within a few days they were all loves.

Creepy Uncle Steve (our gray older one) likes to mount the new ones. :waw:
Plus, if you go to a shelter... Usually they have a huge room of cats walking freely with each other and everyone gets along. Cats more often than not get along with each other.
Dogs can get long just as well. You just have to introduce them right, like april says with cats. Once you establish yourself as the alpha, the dog is putty in your hands..
How big is the bowl? 5 gallons? You could probably get some neon tetras, or some guppies. Though betas are the most hardy fish. I'm going to get one of those for my son's spongebob fish tank.

I'm with Bree on the disregard for fish that I once possessed.
I used to feed neon tetras to my angel fish.
It all started as an accident though. Just bought a bunch and threw them in there one night and the next morning, they were gone. Well, some notable parts were floating about.
Anyway, I thought that was funny, so I went back and bought more and fed them. I didn't watch the mass murder, I went to bed, knowing my fish were having a ball down there.
Then the pet store guy called me out and asked why I was buying so many, so often. I'm not the greatest liar, so I admitted my imposed cannabalism and he refused to sell me any more small fish. :/
I had to go to Walmart. They don't care. They sell guns there!
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I'd love to adopt a second kitten, but I really worry about what would happen if my first cat goes total bitch and just flat out refuses a second cat in the house, even though I have a guess that she's kind of lonely when I'm not home. I figure the only way to make it work is to get a kitten and hope it triggers some kind of maternal instincts in my first cat, but if it doesn't, what the heck do I do then. Bring the kitten back?

Give me your address and I can drop a young cat in the mail to you today. I have a black female my son calls black britney and a gray stripped male name Jack that I'm trying to relocate. They both are litter box trained. If the cat doesn't work out just send it to whatever address I put on the box.
We they are easier for someone who knows how to work with dogs. And I imagine cats would be easier if you know how to work with them..

er, dogs are always easier, just feed them regularly and they'll do whatever you want them to. Cats are a bit too independent and are never really 'owned' by anyone - we had a cat which we found which stayed with us for about six years then just wandered off to 'live' with someone else.
er, dogs are always easier, just feed them regularly and they'll do whatever you want them to. Cats are a bit too independent and are never really 'owned' by anyone - we had a cat which we found which stayed with us for about six years then just wandered off to 'live' with someone else.

It still loved you until the moment it became Lo Mein.