Anyone want a Grand Central invite?


Oct 1, 2004
Apparently Google bought Grand Central and now the site is by invite only. I have a few invites left, if anyone wants one.

For the uninformed, Grand Central gives you a phone number. When people dial that number, it can ring your home, office, and cell all at once. They also support call blocking, call routing, email/web voicemail, and a shit ton of other cool things.

Please post your email addy if you want one.

A neat thing you can do if you have Tmobile's MyFaves: When someone calls your GC number, you can set if GC should send their CallerID or the GC number. If you have it send the GC number, and add the GC number to your my faves, you get free incoming calls from anyone. What sux is you obviously lose the CallerID part.
dgoodner at yahoo
Is that all it does? I actually prefer keeping my phone numbers separate. :o


Why on Earth would you want to keep them separate? Another good use for this if you've moved and kept your old number (like April). She now has a Tampa number for her Houston phone...

edit:LOL, you can actually listen in on someone leaving you a voicemail and jump into the call if you want.
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