Thread All new 2019 Super Duper Sperm thread!

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I feel that, but it's particularly frustrating to watch these corporations making bank specifically on selling our own identities and fashion and politics back to us. I do try to make it a point to specifically support independent LGBTQ+ artists who are actually part of the community (as opposed to dropping dollars on shit just because they slapped a rainbow on it). corporations exploit everyone, it just burns a little extra when they do it by repackaging revolutionary rhetoric as palatable vagaries
Corporations are another name for *us*. We are selling what we want to us. If people want to buy into it, great. If they don't, great.
I like to think of it as the world closing in more and more on homophobes - even the good christian greasy chicken joint is aboard the rainbow train now.

I had Chick Fil A for the first time last week, and it was fucking delicious.

I doubt I ever return though.
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Instead of overanalyzing the how's and why's of T-shirt or chicken leg sales, how 'bout we just say hey, it's more accepted now, they don't have to hide or be shunned, and that's a good thing.
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Instead of overanalyzing the how's and why's of T-shirt or chicken leg sales, how 'bout we just say hey, it's more accepted now, they don't have to hide or be shunned, and that's a good thing.
No one is saying it is a bad thing.

What is rankling is corporate fucks who have been happy to fuck these people over for years are now making money off of their "support"
No one is saying it is a bad thing.

What is rankling is corporate fucks who have been happy to fuck these people over for years are now making money off of their "support"

I get that. Corporate fucks gonna "support" whatever it is they think they can make a buck off of, it's what they do. Just happens to be the gays this time around.
It seems slimy and it kind of is but they're still bowing to social pressure.
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