milkfloat said:
You and Bush both have a lame duck?

Airborne division, World War II. Coming in over Normandy we hit some flak. It was dark, and we couldn't see, and the pilot panicked and lost it. I bailed just before impact, and by the time I noticed the windmill it was too late. Not one of the big Dutch ones, either. One of the smaller ones with the metal blades that go rat-a-tat-tat like a machine gun when they spin.
Lame-o said:
Airborne division, World War II. Coming in over Normandy we hit some flak. It was dark, and we couldn't see, and the pilot panicked and lost it. I bailed just before impact, and by the time I noticed the windmill it was too late. Not one of the big Dutch ones, either. One of the smaller ones with the metal blades that go rat-a-tat-tat like a machine gun when they spin.

Are you having war flashbacks or something?
Lame-o said:
Airborne division, World War II. Coming in over Normandy we hit some flak. It was dark, and we couldn't see, and the pilot panicked and lost it. I bailed just before impact, and by the time I noticed the windmill it was too late. Not one of the big Dutch ones, either. One of the smaller ones with the metal blades that go rat-a-tat-tat like a machine gun when they spin.

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