Advice According to Ledboots (Q&A)


Yet ANOTHER ! Beautiful Bearded Rashner
Apr 16, 2016
I'm making this thread as a tribute to @Ledboots . I would personally like to get more info on Ledboots' views about diet, but feel free to ask any questions you have.

Ledboots, you once asked me if I would like you to provide me with links to prove a point. I kindly declined, telling you I didn't like link wars. Well, I still don't like link wars, so I would like you to answer my question without posting any links. I just want you in your rawest form.

I'd like to eat mostly vegan. I say mostly because I plan on eating what my wife would like to eat for dinner. If It goes well, I might attempt a full transition. I want to avoid highly processed foods. My question is, what foods are necessary for a healthy vegan diet?

I attempted a vegan diet once before, but I was fairly ignorant about it. I only did it for a few months and I found it very hard and expensive. If I accomplish the conversion I will most likely just call myself a vegetarian to avoid being associated with the veganism cult. I desperately need your assistance; I just ate chicken and I feel like the worst kind of shit right now.
  • Gravy
Reactions: adi and Ledboots
You know what? Fuck you OOD. This is exactly what I did to the cutest chick on the playground in third grade. Was too scared to actually talk to her so I mage the merrygoround go too fast and skinned her knees and elbows and if I was lucky her ass too.

Shame on you. Boots is the cool chick we're supposed to protect from the other meanies (with the hopes of convincing her to go down to the lake with us and partaking of our bottle. God knows if that shit ever actually did go the way we wished it would we wouldn't know what the hell to do with it anyway).

Oh shut up already.

Who, me?

No, you. Shut up already.

But dude, she's hot.

Shut the fuck up already.

No you.

Dude, if you don't shut the fuck up in front of this hot chick I'll fuckin kill you.

Dude, your brother told me all about you.

OK, just shut the fuck up for a minute.
Yay my own thread I am so speshial!
(I was asleep, for once nukes! )

@OOD, the main thing is to transition at your own pace. When people fail, it is nearly always because they don't eat enough calories. There's a learning curve like anything else, but it is easy, fast, and cheap to buy and prepare vegan food. I do buy produce 3x a week, and use a ton of spices though.

When you go shopping, don't think of avoiding foods, think of replacing foods you're avoiding. Buy lots of produce and some staples like brown rice, quinoa, all kinds of beans (canned are easier, dried are cheaper) lentils, oats, potatoes of all kinds, tofu, nuts, seeds, plant milks (cashew is creamiest, almond is good too), whole grain breads. Frozen vegetables and fruits are healthy, cheap, and keep well in the freezer. At the beginning, getting some meat substitutes makes it easier. Gardein is a tasty brand. You don't usually eat it like a meat entree, it's more like a flavoring added to a stirfry or chili, or just a few pieces on the side of a meal.

I don't avoid GMOs specifically, but I'm more careful with the kids' stuff. I love gluten and actually add vital wheat gluten to my whole wheat breads. I buy organic only the Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables (stuff that grows low to the ground that you eat the skin of, mostly).

So my meals are like B: oatmeal with soymilk, fruit, and either a handful of nuts or a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter (not JIF type, but the natural kind with peanuts and salt only) and a glass of OJ or apple juice.

L: Today bringing leftover chili to work (kidney pinto and navy beans, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chili peppers, orange and yellow bell pepper, jalapenos, potatoes (yup I went there), frozen sweet corn and peas, red pepper flakes, chili powder, and etc. Also bringing a slice of cornbread and a banana. Might get a side salad at work cafe.

D: Stirfry with brown rice, using up any vegetables that need it and with a coconut milk based sauce, lentil soup leftovers from the freezer (not salty) and banana nut bread.

Snacks: I eat fruit all day, and trail mix. A handful of almonds and a little dark chocolate is my favorite.

The hardest thing about being vegan is finding things to eat at places like sports bars. Side salad no cheese and spaghetti marinara ftw. :/ The only other thing is people calling you a dick for not eating meat (?) and everyone you know suddenly becoming a nutrition expert while you're just trying to eat your lunch.

I'll give you some links if you want, do you want food blogs, save $ blogs, health/nutrition studies, transitioning to veggie life links?
[channeling@ledboots] "hay guys! when a person chews his greens, he often adds a basalmic vinaigrette. this dressing will interact with the microbes in his saliva to create nitrous oxide. this molecular chemical reaction has many health benefits for living creatures that masticate as a means for nutrient ingestion.
everyone should eat fresh greens daily,.. raw or cooked, imo. your heart and colon will thank you. if your doctor offers you a lollipop, refuse it."[/channeling]
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