9/11 impact simulation


Oct 13, 2004
this is a pretty cool watch...perdue university put together a computer simulation of the impact on one of the towers...I wish they ran it further than they went but it's still pretty impressive

Interesting. I saw a cool documentary on 9/11 not to long ago and they went in depth about all the fishy stuff with the pentagon hit. Such as in photos some of the plane parts belong to a different type of plane than they said hit. Conspiracy Theory stuff.
Its funny how much random shit people can pull out of there ass to put a conspiracy together.

"in the 11th minute of the 9th hour of the super volcanic eruption that was made by George Bush you can clearly see that the terrorist was wearing a prada wrist band only available to people in San Diego. We all know that it is a fact that San Diego in German means Whales Vagina."
That reminds me of the impact simulation that Yale did of me bench pressing a school bus full of nuns 12 times and then throwing it through the Disneyland castle.