Food 2021 Garden Thrad


Robotic Dexter
May 19, 2011
Placing my seed orders, and a lot of stuff is already out of stock.

Keeping it simple with two tomato varieties this year, one that i know grows well, and a new disease resistant variety from the same line. Also trying ground cherries, never had those before but they sound interesting. I still cant find a cucumber variety that will live past like 1 harvest before the downy mildew gets it.

103752aAji Rico Hybrid Pepper - 10 seeds
102351aAunt Molly's Ground Cherry - 100 seeds
102271aBlack Beauty Eggplant - 850 seeds
102252aDukat Dill Herb - 1000 seeds
100006aGoliath Jalapeno Hybrid Pepper - 20 seeds
102281aGoya Hybrid Eggplant - 25 seeds
104121aHarvest Moon Hybrid Watermelon - 10 seeds
300489aMountain Gem Hybrid Tomato - 10 seeds
300495aMountain Magic Hybrid Campari Tomato - 10 seeds

Gonna upgrade my seed starting. The current trays i have are a weird dimension and dont have standard humidity trays.

Also need to get one or two nice LED grow lights to replace my old T8s.
Placing my seed orders, and a lot of stuff is already out of stock.

Keeping it simple with two tomato varieties this year, one that i know grows well, and a new disease resistant variety from the same line. Also trying ground cherries, never had those before but they sound interesting. I still cant find a cucumber variety that will live past like 1 harvest before the downy mildew gets it.

103752aAji Rico Hybrid Pepper - 10 seeds
102351aAunt Molly's Ground Cherry - 100 seeds
102271aBlack Beauty Eggplant - 850 seeds
102252aDukat Dill Herb - 1000 seeds
100006aGoliath Jalapeno Hybrid Pepper - 20 seeds
102281aGoya Hybrid Eggplant - 25 seeds
104121aHarvest Moon Hybrid Watermelon - 10 seeds
300489aMountain Gem Hybrid Tomato - 10 seeds
300495aMountain Magic Hybrid Campari Tomato - 10 seeds

Gonna upgrade my seed starting. The current trays i have are a weird dimension and dont have standard humidity trays.

Also need to get one or two nice LED grow lights to replace my old T8s.
Agreed on going standard trays. Even if you bust trays, the lids will last for years. Investing in a shelving unit that holds them is super nice too.
Similar lack of success on cucumbers here.
You can plant the ground cherries thickly and purposely let them lean to one side - keep a sheet of plastic under them and harvest every few days. Your people will either love them or not. I obviously don't understand THAT :), had a few thousand of the fruits last year, dried most.
Agreed on going standard trays. Even if you bust trays, the lids will last for years. Investing in a shelving unit that holds them is super nice too.
Similar lack of success on cucumbers here.
You can plant the ground cherries thickly and purposely let them lean to one side - keep a sheet of plastic under them and harvest every few days. Your people will either love them or not. I obviously don't understand THAT :), had a few thousand of the fruits last year, dried most.

The system i linked the trays are high density styrofoam and pretty much never break which is awesome. My current ones are styrofoam too and theyre a decade old with no damage (but weird dimension). the awesome thing about styrofoam trays is that they float. So you dont top water at all, and cant overwater. Just float the trays in a tray and they get precisely the water they need without any risk of spreading disease my wetting the leaves.
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Dad's never had an issue with cukes, far as I know. Want me to ask what variety he uses? May be the different climate though?
yeah, its something local to me, and its airborne (or just endemic in the soil). Last year i planted 300 feet away and the cukes still got disease
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yeah, its something local to me, and its airborne (or just endemic in the soil). Last year i planted 300 feet away and the cukes still got disease
Agreed - localized shit. I moved 20 miles, none of my favorites grow for shit now. But all their relatives(squash, luffa, pumpkin) are just fine. smh. The little striped squash beetles seem to carry some shit. Soon as they show up, game over for cukes.
Agreed - localized shit. I moved 20 miles, none of my favorites grow for shit now. But all their relatives(squash, luffa, pumpkin) are just fine. smh. The little striped squash beetles seem to carry some shit. Soon as they show up, game over for cukes.
Thats bacterial wilt if its carried by the beetles, and its a bitch to fight.
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Considering seedling starting aspect ratios

2x2 ft area, or 1x4. Im going with 2 2010 trays, so i could orient them either way

Trying to set up a permanent area to do seed starting rather than moving shit in and out every year.

2x2 would likely be a grow tent in a corner, benefits to a grow tent being that my heat mat should have to be on far less due to the small insulated space.

1x4 would be a shelf, with two parallel grow lights, but no tent
Decided on a permanent 10x48 shelf in the kitchen. Ill sprout seedlings on in in late winter, and the rest of the year have some herbs on it.

Put one of these lights above it, and 2 heating mats:

Bonus during the winter is that its right against the chimney and HVAC duct, so bonus free heat there.
16 eggs from 4 birds 2/1 through 2/7.
+6 more on 2/9.
Seems to be picking up the pace.

Although we're supposed to get below freezing this weekend. Like enough below I should empty the waterers at night so they don't break.
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Got 7 eggs from the 11 today, 6 each the last 2 days. I guess they'll be spared.

Freezing - ugg, I had a few egg freeze in the roosting boxes.. I still ate them, fuck it, I'm still alive.:) I've got them a 12-15" layer of hay(and chicken shit) under their roosts, got up to 48f today in the coop while it was 19-20 outside. But I do have a supplemental heater for when it drops below 24f. Their water is supposed to self-heat to 50 ish. SUpposed to be 3f tomorrow morning. Poor chickens.
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Got 7 eggs from the 11 today, 6 each the last 2 days. I guess they'll be spared.

Freezing - ugg, I had a few egg freeze in the roosting boxes.. I still ate them, fuck it, I'm still alive.:) I've got them a 12-15" layer of hay(and chicken shit) under their roosts, got up to 48f today in the coop while it was 19-20 outside. But I do have a supplemental heater for when it drops below 24f. Their water is supposed to self-heat to 50 ish. SUpposed to be 3f tomorrow morning. Poor chickens.

My coop is small and I got a heat lamp in there I turn on if it's 40s or less at night but my main waterer is just an "upside down 5 gal. jug" type, like you'd use for a large dog, and a couple ceramic bowls that are actually old crock pot inserts. No heat in any of them.
Wie so

My coop is small and I got a heat lamp in there I turn on if it's 40s or less at night but my main waterer is just an "upside down 5 gal. jug" type, like you'd use for a large dog, and a couple ceramic bowls that are actually old crock pot inserts. No heat in any of them.
I worry about using the light bulbs(am using them currently) - fuckers have a limited life. BUlb could die on a frigid night and then the chickens freeze to death. Literally., They sell ceramic screw-in heating elements, I think about getting one of those. Yeah, our summer water jug is basically a dog waterer. My coop is pretty small too - [correction]4'wX8'lX4'h, *a hair under for maximum use of dimensional wood. 3 roosting bays protrude out from that.
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I worry about using the light bulbs(am using them currently) - fuckers have a limited life. BUlb could die on a frigid night and then the chickens freeze to death. Literally., They sell ceramic screw-in heating elements, I think about getting one of those. Yeah, our summer water jug is basically a dog waterer. My coop is pretty small too - 4'wX6'lX4'h. 3 roosting bays protrude out from that.

You don't have an extra bathroom in the house for your chickens, Eddie?
I worry about using the light bulbs(am using them currently) - fuckers have a limited life. BUlb could die on a frigid night and then the chickens freeze to death. Literally., They sell ceramic screw-in heating elements, I think about getting one of those. Yeah, our summer water jug is basically a dog waterer. My coop is pretty small too - [correction]4'wX8'lX4'h, *a hair under for maximum use of dimensional wood. 3 roosting bays protrude out from that.

Ceramic element that just screws in a regular light bulb socket? I could go for that.
These heat bulbs from HD claim 1000 hours. That's pretty much on at night and off during the day for 3 months.

Might help them sleep better too, they can see red like us. Also up into uv somewhere. Also tiny differences we can't see, like the 120 cycle flicker of a florescent light, don't use those.
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Ceramic element that just screws in a regular light bulb socket? I could go for that.
These heat bulbs from HD claim 1000 hours. That's pretty much on at night and off during the day for 3 months.

Might help them sleep better too, they can see red like us. Also up into uv somewhere. Also tiny differences we can't see, like the 120 cycle flicker of a florescent light, don't use those.
Like this. I'm seeing 100 & 200 watts are common. $18-25.!2966!3!264955915916!!!g!437083570213!&gucid=N:N:pS:paid:GGL:CSM-

Decided on a permanent 10x48 shelf in the kitchen. Ill sprout seedlings on in in late winter, and the rest of the year have some herbs on it.

Put one of these lights above it, and 2 heating mats:

Bonus during the winter is that its right against the chimney and HVAC duct, so bonus free heat there.
fuck me, this plan went out the window. I got the spider farmer light, and that thing despite being the WEAKEST offering is so bright it left little led square shaped dots on my eyes for like 40 minutes after i looked at it from about 3 feet away.

I cant mount that in a living area
fuck me, this plan went out the window. I got the spider farmer light, and that thing despite being the WEAKEST offering is so bright it left little led square shaped dots on my eyes for like 40 minutes after i looked at it from about 3 feet away.

I cant mount that in a living area
yeah, our room f'n glows. It's also our work-out room so the lights get shut off when we're in there for long. Hope you find something that works for you. I'm using 40" straight tubes that look like T-8s, daisy-chained and strapped to a lightweight frame. Gonna tear the reflector off my faithful old T-5 and use it for LEDs.