Halp Play Portal 2 early

I could but not keep it animated.

Do you just stop playing a level once you've completed it? Or do you even attempt to better your time?

Playthrough once or twice and be done.

Trying to shave seconds off a time in a video game has never interested me.
Why do you even play games then?

I just finished the SP. Yeah, totally not worth $50, which has been my stance from the outset.

And I play games for enjoyment. However, in the last 2 years or so the amount of money invested into games hasn't been panning out to the amount of enjoyment they've delivered. The prices are getting higher, the games are getting shorter and shittier.
I'm getting so terribly bored by life in general that I'm increasingly willing to pay unnecessarily high prices for entertainment. :L
prices are getting higher? I paid 40 for this game which is longer than most games that came out ten years ago that cost 40 plus this has multiplayer. if you consider inflation then game prices have actually gone down

now DLC is a bunch of bullshit and I'm with you on that part of it being retarded but none of it is required so I don't really see how games have gotten more expensive since the average price is still in the same neighborhood