WTF WTF America: Impairing the morals of a child?

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Inciting racial hatred is illegal in the UK. I'm stating I don't think it's right to bring up children that way and condition them in that fashion and I don't see that as negotiable. That's just part of my world/life view.

This is not the UK. Your 140 IQ should have been able to work that out.
Inciting racial hatred is about the resultant violence and social unrest. Teaching a kid to say the n word, while tasteless, isn't a real issue. It's fabricated news about a horribly misguided interpretation of a statute.
Inciting racial hatred is about the resultant violence and social unrest. Teaching a kid to say the n word, while tasteless, isn't a real issue. It's fabricated news about a horribly misguided interpretation of a statute.

Aye but as someone not native to your country or living within it's laws and boundaries I may have a slightly different opinion on what is okay. You could not for example say the n word on the radio in the UK like Howard Stern does, you would be fined if not arrested. That's why I find it a bit more easy to believe that someone is arrested for this kinda thing. :)
Aye but as someone not native to your country or living within it's laws and boundaries I may have a slightly different opinion on what is okay. You could not for example say the n word on the radio in the UK like Howard Stern does, you would be fined if not arrested. That's why I find it a bit more easy to believe that someone is arrested for this kinda thing. :)

Europe is very uptight about that sort of thing though. It's almost as if tens of millions of people were killed there as a result of bigotry.
you really should have been more specific then when you said "being racist is not illegal", i.e. you should have added "in the USA".

In any case 'being' racist per se isn't illegal anywhere, but acting on those prejudices is.

The fucking thread title says WTF America. I'm not the one who needs to think before they post.
There was nothing inaccurate about what I said. Just wasn't complete enough for simpletons to understand.

Right, so when someone says "x isn't illegal", we're to take it that everyone should automatically know you are only referring to the US. That's an especially stupid supposition since you have lived in various different countries so it's not as if you only know one set of laws.

PS. I don't care if the thread is about the US, that's incidental to your statement.
Right, so when someone says "x isn't illegal", we're to take it that everyone should automatically know you are only referring to the US. That's an especially stupid supposition since you have lived in various different countries so it's not as if you only know one set of laws.

PS. I don't care if the thread is about the US, that's incidental to your statement.

It shouldn't be hard to figure out since the thread is about the US.
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