WTF Obama is crazy for sayin it, but good for him. v.WTC

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so you honestly think they're going to tell you 1000 people applied for each of the 12 jobs and you have a snowball's chance in hell of landing one? :fly:
The amount of money you put into taxes that ends up in the hands of slack asses is very minute. I don't agree with those people being able to exploit the system. It's wrong. Yet cancelling out the whole system because of those is just stupid. Take a more intelligent approach, and devise a way to minimize welfare abuse. Though do remember, no matter what you do in life, there will always be people finding a way to take an easy route. That's just life. Don't fuck it up for the good honest people just because of the bad people.
Did you not read my post? That is not freedom to do as we wish, that is not what our country is supposed to be about.

Why do we have to be forced to help others? I love helping, just not when an "authority" forces me to.
Being in HR for a 135 employee company, we have jobs posted and are not getting 1000 applicants. Barely even 50... people aren't ready to come back to work it seems.
That is not freedom to do as we wish, that is not what our country is supposed to be about.

You make think you have that kind of freedom, but you don't. You may think that's the type of freedom your entitled to because of what the founding fathers said, but you'd be wrong. You live in one of the most free countries in the world. Be grateful for what you have.
I just want to make a quick comment regarding all those "fast food Jobs" people can always gets. How the crap is someone supposed to be able to support a family on 8 bucks an hour? I can either take unemployment and get 2/3 of my previous pay, which is hard enough, while I look for another job that will actually pay for electricity AND a little food, or I go get a job at Wendy's that will only pay the mortgage and we are left with nothing to pay for anything else and have to go find help elsewhere to put dinner on the table.

Sometimes, just going out and getting the fast food job isn't the logical choice.
There are so many complexities within this issue that to simply say, "let's just scrap welfare" is asinine.
so you honestly think they're going to tell you 1000 people applied for each of the 12 jobs and you have a snowball's chance in hell of landing one? :fly:

Because of your extensive job searching you've done in the past 2 years compared to me, I'll just stop mentioning it because you obviously are more in the game than I am when it comes to job searching.
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