w00t! Hit my goal weight!

He's a guy?

Country Average Male Weight (pounds)
United States 185
Canada 177
United Kingdom 176
Germany 181
Chile 166
Finland 181

Yes but what is their average height? I am short. Not Gh0st short, mind you, but still not tall.
yes, places where poor people live. Where they can't even afford to buy stuff off of the dollar menu.

The average price of a meal for me is $0.75. $0.50 a serving for the slimfast powder and protein powder booster to quell hunger + $0.25 serving of soy milk/water combo to hydrate the powders.
that's going to make you sick, man. you're not supposed to drink slimfast for every meal

Shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, sensible dinner. I am only having two a day. The dinner is usually an amalgamation of tasty fresh fruits and veggies, of course last night was a bit naughty.

3L of water throughout the day. Maybe some carrot sticks or celery or an orange for a snack in between.
Shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, sensible dinner. I am only having two a day. The dinner is usually an amalgamation of tasty fresh fruits and veggies, of course last night was a bit naughty.

3L of water throughout the day. Maybe some carrot sticks or celery or an orange for a snack in between.

Sucks for you. I don't diet at all and I still lose weight.