WTF Woman order by court to undergo surgery for cancer

Checked the source article, it says this.

Court documents state that the woman has a “significant impairment in intellectual functioning” but has cancer of the uterus.

Yet, it sounds like she lives at home, alone. How impaired can someone be if they are capable of being self sufficient?
you just said this though: Mentally incompetent people cannot be left to care for themselves

if you're insane and living on the streets you could be dead sooner than this lady on any given day

We provide healthcare for insane people when their conditions are discovered. Or at least we try.

Again, I don't think insane people should be allowed to wander society. They are a danger to themselves and others. They should be isolated and studied until it can be determined what nutrients they possess which can be extracted for our benefit.
learning difficulties can mean anything.

perhaps she doesn't understand the outcome? perhaps she doesn't cognate what death is?

there's plenty of things - i'd still like to see her operated on. her successful surgery could be viewed as an achievement and something we could learn from.
On the fence about this one. But I think Duke has the right idea; if she's self sufficient then she's not too disabled to make her own choices. Like the dumb cunt that bought a used Mazda for 60 grand.

If she wants to die, let her. Guess I'm not on the fence anymore.
Yeah, this article really doesn't give us enough information to really make a judgment call here. What are her mental impairments? Are they just saying that because she has a phobia of hospitals and needles? Is she a ward of the state already? Are they making her one so the state gets to say what happens to her? How is she supported outside of medical care? What is this surgery they are trying to perform on her? Are they taking her uterus? Does she not have any family to speak on her behalf? If she was already under the care of the govt. why did it have to go to court? Wouldn't they already be able to make decisions about her care? How did this get to court? Would someone with severe mental defects even be aware they had rights? Was she able to defend her position? I don't know, I just have so many questions.