
and unfortunately, in the field of "SCIENCE" you're readily espousing, there is no freedom of interpretation based on emperical data. stick to what you know.

if you think there is no genetic exposure to the likes of LSD, the likes of Ergot and many other actives of the same genre, I seriously suggest a bit more reading and a little less high horsery. personal experience is not emperical observation, sadly.
I want to drop acid with Ellen after that argument.

You would have to do some very specific test to locate lsd usage after a few days. No one does that because of the expense.
I want to drop acid with Ellen after that argument.

You would have to do some very specific test to locate lsd usage after a few days. No one does that because of the expense.

What? You mean any pre-surgical blood test?
obviously just 1 person but albert hofmann, the inventor of lsd, took obscene amounts of the stuff in the name of scientific research and he lived to be 102 and suffered no ill effects
a guy recently took lsd or something and went and stood on some traintracks and walked towards a moving train.

train stopped on time, but still.
a guy recently took lsd or something and went and stood on some traintracks and walked towards a moving train.

train stopped on time, but still.

people do stupid stuff when drinking too. another example, not everyone who owns a gun goes and shoots up an army base.
LSD was pretty fun when I did it once.. The next day sucked, but you get that with a lot of different things..
i couldn't give a fuck what you've taken in your life as if that gives you some sort of basis for you to be knowledgable about this subject. i've had this argument a million times with stupid, loose women who think that popping pills when they were 19 somehow gives them the unquenchable knowledge to talk about all drugs and drug policy.

i never get a hangover from drinking. ever. i've never had a hangover. i have friends who get them all the time. does that mean i go and tell my friends that simply because i don't get hangovers they are lying, or wrong? you'll go far.

fact is, i've been educated to deal with it. whether you feel that's closed minded or not doesn't particularly matter.

Yeah, except that I never said my knowledge was based solely on my own personal usage. It isn't. I also don't think my knowledge is based on some DARE program officer from high school. They love to tell scary stories so kids won't use drugs. You sound like them.
I remember DARE. I believed that shit until I moved to Florida and found out what a crock of shit it is.

I remember being told that if you do drugs you end up homeless. That cocaine was as bad as Heroin.

They should concentrate on educating the legal drugs because that's the bigger problem.
my DARE officer from elementary school bought the lakehouse next to ours at the lake. we got so fuckin high with him this spring he decided it'd be a good idea to mow and mowed our lawn for us. at like 1am.
Yeah, when I went to school Ketamine was the new "scary" drug. Apparently something like 80% of all people who took it died the first time they did. I couldn't imagine why people would keep taking it if death was the best effect you got from it. I also wondered why something so dangerous wasn't illegal. I was still in elementary school though and told not to ask questions like that.
People do stupid things, drugs or no. You cannot legislate against stupidity, and trying just costs billions of dollars.

cause they're legislating it wrong.

they need to have a committee of people that think like me, and we'd all play god. we'd read a 3 sentence summary of each person and decide whether or not they should be allowed to live or die.

scientoligists would be done for.