What is your favorite board game -OR- Has anyone ever played Catan?

Monopoly is probably my favorite. I also like Clue and Othello.

There was this boardgame I liked playing in grade school, but I cannot remember the name of it. I only vaguely remember what the game was about. Taking over countries or something. You had small circles inside each country that you'd place your game pieces on. Like their capitol or main city. It wasn't Axis and Allies. I think it involved answering history questions or something. Goddamnit.... can't remember.
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i love trivial pursuit because i'm awful at it, and i always end up laughing so hard i'm crying because my answers are ridiculous and the game turns into trying to make others laugh. :fly:

:eek: i guess no one is gonna want to be on my team now. :fly:
i love trivial pursuit because i'm awful at it, and i always end up laughing so hard i'm crying because my answers are ridiculous and the game turns into trying to make others laugh. :fly:

:eek: i guess no one is gonna want to be on my team now. :fly:

Nah, I suck too, but I like playing. We can be on the team that has fun and doesn't care to win. Dan always beats me and anyone else I'm playing with.
I'm hoping to find Hero Quest when we go to my fiance's family's house this weekend.

He keeps bragging about what a wonderful game it is. So naturally I can't wait to beat his ass at it.
strip jenga. yo uremove a piece of clothing for every piece that falls.

Don't they pretty much all fall at once?

That makes it 'don't knock it over or your naked' jenga.

Which I'm fine with if it's me vs. say, the Bucs Cheerleading squad or something.
Don't they pretty much all fall at once?

That makes it 'don't knock it over or your naked' jenga.

Which I'm fine with if it's me vs. say, the Bucs Cheerleading squad or something.

alternately, if you want a more nuanced game, every time you take a piece out without knocking it over you get to choose who has to take a piece of clothing off.

the important thing here is that there are far more pieces in a jenga tower than clothes being worn by the people playing.