Dear Ryan


Flaccid Member
Feb 25, 2009
Today at 2:12pm
You're killing the network with your usenet downloads. I need you to figure out a way to throttle that down. You're taking up almost 3/4 of the bandwidth and lowering the service level for the rest of the building. Other wise, we're going to either have throttle your port down on our end, or disconnect you for a while.

Chill, dude!

In the HOA laws it states torrents can not be used. They really throttle it down if you start using them. So I use usenet instead. Can he really do any thing about it? I'm sure if I fought it he would just vote a fucking law into place.

until then... You wanna shut me off???

i'm sure it's in your internet agreement somewhere. at the very least they can throttle you all to hell.

the thing is, HOA's blow ass. dunno what you do if you're in a building though.
Use one of your neighbors connections to download.

This. Or get your own service.

They arent doing traffic shaping, just throttling you. They are just going by the amount of information you download, not the content.
I'm pretty sure I can get my own service. This is just so fast, and it's included. I talked to him again, I think he is going to be cool. I just don't like some one threatening me w/ disconnection right off the fucking bat
Other wise, we're going to either have throttle your port down on our end, or disconnect you for a while.

I think he could of done w/ out that ^^^
I think you could kick down his door in the middle of the night and rape him with a broom.