LEAKED TRAINING VIDEO: Police Tactical Maneuvers on "counter-terrorizing" Juvenile/Ch

while an over reaction on the part of the officer. I do understand the constant bullshit cops have to deal with. I have seen firsthand the "monkey cages" and their effects have on officers.
I wonder if I had a 15 yr old daughter and she did this to me. Should I be able to go all ninja on her ass? I mean I'm under a lot of pressure and all.
as much as i don't like cops, women can be absolute bitches

that's a bit over the top though
yer already in a bad situation. why the fuck whould any sane person try to make it worse. yer not col. yer in jail. stfu do your time and shit talk later. not get your ass beat in there. it's not cool it's just stupid.
I'd like to see the perfect calm everyone would have in any situation. Once your adrenaline gets going into 'feel no pain' mode it's hard to stop.

People do make it worse for themselves. Usually when you see shit like this it's because they've gone just one step too far. Everyone is human, you know when someone is about to snap. It's happened to me a few times >.>
Beating up is a strong word :p It was more like a bad take down. I've tackled the wrong guy across pavement, dragged all the skin off my arm, and slammed his head into the ground and never felt it. Then afterward you feel all nauseous and shit.
hmm, Slammed into a wall, knee to the gut, thrown to the ground, punched while face down on the ground, and then dragged up and out by her hair.

No, thats not a beating...
When I think beating I think prolonged, with rest breaks and resisting. Idk what the story is but most people used to running into cops/security hit the ground as soon as they see them coming if they want to avoid a takedown that might have exceptionally high spirits.