ACORN report 2006

I've never seen 24 either. I'm assuming that's how old everyone on the show is? Seems like an odd premise, but I suppose it can't be much worse than the ones with fat dudes and supermodel wives.
I saw like the first three episodes, and it was meh.

I'm sure it's only gotten more "meh" since then.

Actually, I will admit, some of the later seasons are much better then the first.

I'm not going to go out of my way to watch it though, but I watch an episode here and there with Knyte.
I guess Kevlar has left the building.

I think a few of us got under her skin. :fly:
Um, it's called going home, taking care of family issues. and I'm not the one that got all bent outta shape because I played with the messiah's name.
I don't know why I just busted out laughing so hard at that. :lol:

So did I. I think it's hysterical, considering Obama was the one that spoke directly to him.

Just because he doesn't have a license doesn't mean the man is wrong for not wanting to hand his money over if he ever does become successful. I think 36% taxation is criminal and raising it to 39% so it can be given to others is facist.
So did I. I think it's hysterical, considering Obama was the one that spoke directly to him.

Just because he doesn't have a license doesn't mean the man is wrong for not wanting to hand his money over if he ever does become successful. I think 36% taxation is criminal and raising it to 39% so it can be given to others is facist.

Joe the Plumber is not a maverick?

Say it's not so! :fly:
This really doesnt help republicans. =/

Seriously people, write in campaign for your new benevolent dictator <-- I know 99% of you are too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time, just trust in Me and everything will be alright.
The RNC called me last night (yes the RNC, not the Republican National Comitee, otherwwise it wouldn't be hip and cool for the younger voters) telling me Obama's a terrorist (yes they actually called him a terrorist).

Also all the McCain ads are now targeting the Democrats and not Obama. I wonder if they're desperate?