Animepark13 is 19 Years Old Today

on the subject of meat again... i have never found my meat to be leathery or blan. i have no idea wtf you bias rare meat lovers are talking about.
I know it might happen, but can we please stop talking about Knyte being killed or dismembered in some way, I prefer him the way he is and prefer not to think about that stuff. k thnx.

well you do realize that the average life span of a midget is um, shorter.


When I was 19, I think I had just been hired by a local wireless internet service provider. Yeah, it was fun for awhile, but got old. And I was going to a community college. And living at home.

Unfortunately not much has changed. I got laid off from my previous job, started my own business, still living at home :mad: I think I'll have enough cash in the next couple months to afford my own apartment, and/or share the apartment to make rent cheap.
Sorry, those have already been posted. If I post more my son might find this website at age 18, see them, and wonder why his mother let people see her ass.

I wear a cardboard box around my waist while at home .. if you were wondering how I kept him from seeing it in person. I'm a good parent like that. :fly: