Please welcome Jas101


Half-staff Member
Feb 28, 2007

Please welcome me to the forum and answer any questions that I may have. Thanks!
buddy of mine from genmay...great guy and awesome sense of humor...should fit right in..welcome dude! :cool:
hello people.

Its me! Jas101!

w_a_w told me about this place. (after I gave him millions of cyber dollars in an online game we play).

you might know me from genmay, im that really unpopular guy who gave away loads of gmail invites in order to gain popularity a while back.

theres not really very much i can tell you that you (from the [m]) probably dont already know.

my real name is jason. i go by jas ("jace"). the only time i hear "jason" is when my wife is angry.
I'm a born liar - the last time i told the truth was when i said "I always lie"
the 101 in my name? the first 1 is my IQ, the second digit is the amount of friends i have, and the third digit is the size of my penis in centimetres (when erected).
Im English (not british - the "b" word is a no-no) from london, and yes I do speak like the people in eastenders/lock stock/notting hill/snatch.
I'm fluent in 3 languages and I've lived in 4 countries.
i have two jobs (soon to be one). Im in ICT.
I live in germany (dont mention the war), the krauts are really nice to me.
we have an old house that we're renovating and we're always finding spooky things whilst working. clean up an attic - find an old SS plaque, demolish a wall - find a gun! or ancient postcards and playmobil toys... its a lucky dip.
im white, C of E, skinny bastard.

is that enough of an introduction? or do you want a photo of my floppy bits?

ask me some questions if you want and ill make up some answers.

on a slighty more serious note>

People of the UF, I come bearing peace and love.

ps. Is the server REALLY slow? or am i lagged?

im a bit fuzzy on beer. its been a long day.

im babbling arent I?

ill shut up now.
we have an old house that we're renovating and we're always finding spooky things whilst working. clean up an attic - find an old SS plaque, demolish a wall - find a gun! or ancient postcards and playmobil toys... its a lucky dip.

That's just cool. If we tore down a wall all we'd find would be insulation and maybe a fast food wrapper.
OMG Hi!!!!

:lol: I know you from GenMay, you're one of the few folks left who is still civil to me. :cool:
