The End

Every failed relationship gives you a higher learning of what you are truely looking for, not just in the opposite sex but also in life. If you dont get hurt and dont feel the pain of your heart breaking enough times you will never realize what true love and compassion is when you finally find it. Always a hard thing to deal with but it is usually for the best.

like rev I also learned something from every failed relationship

mainly that I don't know how to sustain one :lol: :/
Unfortunately I am just becoming less trusting. It sucks because I've been screwed over so many times that instead of trusting someone until they break that trust, I doubt until they prove themselves.
Unfortunately I am just becoming less trusting. It sucks because I've been screwed over so many times that instead of trusting someone until they break that trust, I doubt until they prove themselves.

Sweetie, we all have and it sucks. Trust should always be built brick at a time until the wall is complete. Like anything it will still get dirty but a strong relationship will help keep it standing. Keep looking for that and hopefully if at all lucky you will find it.
Unfortunately I am just becoming less trusting. It sucks because I've been screwed over so many times that instead of trusting someone until they break that trust, I doubt until they prove themselves.

Don't do that. You can't blame the people you meet for what happened in the past. :hs:
I ex had unfounded trust issues based on baggage from her past and it caused a lot of grief in our relationship

Maybe it was cause all the whores you fucked. You didn't think she'd figure out all those weekends in France? That and the nasty waterline that French women leave...