Ontopic Poo-litical Thrad

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the cool thing is, thanks to at-will employment laws, they can instead just fire you "for no reason" and if you believe it was because of your orientation, the burden of proof is on you

Thats how it works in PA.
Fire someone with the explanation that the position has been eliminated, change the job title and hire someone else to do the same thing, usually cheaper.
I'd agree our generations didn't do much for big monumental change at least legally.
Some of us though obviously not all by any stretch did just kinda live in a little more accepting or inclusive manner.
Starting with folks around my age or maybe yours it wasn't really a big deal anymore if people had groups of friends or dated or married outside their own race for example. Wasn't too long before that was kind of a big no-no.
Didn't hold marches or pass laws about it, just kind of did it, though that could be considered in response to earlier change. Was basically one generation away from the civil rights era.

Saw a thing on PBS news last week they were interviewing 16-17 year olds about societies ills and stuff. Tried to frame it as a sort of a heady discussion and obviously picked the ones to put on air that were the most coherent/together.
It was pretty clear they still didn't know much about life just like we didn't at that age. Just parroting stuff instead of thinking for themselves.
Sure some of them will be in charge someday but man there's an awful lot of growing up left to do. They still live in their parents bubble. Idealism hasn't met realism yet.
Not sure what they were trying to do with that segment but it didn't work.

I still say we should make kids do a couple years of public service between high school and whatever comes next. If not full on military draft at least some public works projects, forestry service, working on roads, parks, memorials..... Something anyway where you grab kids from all over the country and all walks of life that throw them all together and make them figure out how to get along and live and work together.

Could really cut down on some of the us vs. them stuff though I doubt govt really wants to do that. With only 2 viable parties all the in-fighting works to both of their political advantage.
They'd be too tired to be feisty.
So, some local proud boys shot a man downtown last night in Albuquerque.

Seems right in line with what they're about - protecting a statue of Juan de Oñate, a guy so bad that fucking Spain banished his ass to New Mexico. Somewhat famous for hacking off the right foot of every surviving Acoma warrior after killing 800 or so indiscriminately (men, women, children, w/e).
So, some local proud boys shot a man downtown last night in Albuquerque.

Seems right in line with what they're about - protecting a statue of Juan de Oñate, a guy so bad that fucking Spain banished his ass to New Mexico. Somewhat famous for hacking off the right foot of every surviving Acoma warrior after killing 800 or so indiscriminately (men, women, children, w/e).
When that statue gets pulled down, you can thank the Proud Boys for it.

We had the same shit happen here, thankfully with no shooting. There was a statue of Edward Cornwallis in a park in downtown Halifax, and for years there's been numerous "protests" around the statue. I attended one once, and it was awesome - it was a bunch of Mi'kmaq all dressed up traditional, playing music and dancing, people giving speeches and what have you. At this point I knew fuck all about Mi'kmaq culture, but learned a ton about it, and also learned just how much of a piece of shit Cornwallis was, like his genocide against the Mi'kmaq.

Then one year a bunch of "Proud Boys" showed up at one of those events singing God Save The Queen and waving a british ensign flag... which is pretty much the equivalent of Westboro-ing a gay person's funeral. And they got told off, and a shoving match broke out, and the police ended up hauling them away, and they threw a great big "ThEy WeRe JuSt ProTeStInG a PrOtEsT" victim complex over it.

About a year later, the city decided "ok, y'all can't play nice around that statue anymore and even though he technically founded Halifax, he was a great big piece of shit and we're gonna put that statue in storage". Thanks, Proud Boys!
When that statue gets pulled down, you can thank the Proud Boys for it.

We had the same shit happen here, thankfully with no shooting. There was a statue of Edward Cornwallis in a park in downtown Halifax, and for years there's been numerous "protests" around the statue. I attended one once, and it was awesome - it was a bunch of Mi'kmaq all dressed up traditional, playing music and dancing, people giving speeches and what have you. At this point I knew fuck all about Mi'kmaq culture, but learned a ton about it, and also learned just how much of a piece of shit Cornwallis was, like his genocide against the Mi'kmaq.

Then one year a bunch of "Proud Boys" showed up at one of those events singing God Save The Queen and waving a british ensign flag... which is pretty much the equivalent of Westboro-ing a gay person's funeral. And they got told off, and a shoving match broke out, and the police ended up hauling them away, and they threw a great big "ThEy WeRe JuSt ProTeStInG a PrOtEsT" victim complex over it.

About a year later, the city decided "ok, y'all can't play nice around that statue anymore and even though he technically founded Halifax, he was a great big piece of shit and we're gonna put that statue in storage". Thanks, Proud Boys!
Albuquerque has a somewhat problematic habit of glorifying Spanish conquistadors, so we've no shortage of landmarks/events like that.
Interesting discussion yesterday between the most listened to talk radio host in the history of the universe about the possibility of sending missionaries into the BLM movement and protests, to spread the word about how dandy conservatism could be for black folks. Limbaugh said he can’t be a missionary because he’d be considered “a cracker”.

The “callers” made sure to name drop the usual conservative representations, Alan West, Candice Owens, Ben Carson, and the other half dozen conservatives of color, to acknowledge that they are familiar with POC that conservatism has worked for.

What a weird world we are living in.
Interesting discussion yesterday between the most listened to talk radio host in the history of the universe about the possibility of sending missionaries into the BLM movement and protests, to spread the word about how dandy conservatism could be for black folks. Limbaugh said he can’t be a missionary because he’d be considered “a cracker”.

The “callers” made sure to name drop the usual conservative representations, Alan West, Candice Owens, Ben Carson, and the other half dozen conservatives of color, to acknowledge that they are familiar with POC that conservatism has worked for.

What a weird world we are living in.

I think switching your bathroom radio to the jazz station or something might be a positive step towards overall health and wellness.
I don't know how you do it, man.
If we ever get the title thread back I'm gonna call you long beard dope smoking plastic banana good time rock-n-roller.
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