Advice According to Ledboots (Q&A)

I've seen "organic" pecan orchards in Texas. They build up a moat of "non-organic" pecan trees that they pesticide the everloving shit out of, as a sacrificial ring to protect a relative sparsity of "organic" trees.

Embrace the GMO.

I love GMOs. No giant seeds in my bananas, thanks.
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That reminds me I have to go back by that place and see if they got in any real organic non-GMO 100% pure natural wheat bran.
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I guess there's a compromise you have to find between lubrication and leakage.

Damnit, now next time I go to a fancy restaurant, I'm gonna wonder if I'm sitting on coconut oil that leaked out of someone's ass.

"I swear I got VD from coconut oil that was melon balled and frozen and inserted into someone's hole and leaked out onto a chair"