Food Real life mysteries you would like explained.


Looks like Ted Nugent, Smells like Sasquatch
Apr 18, 2016
MH 370

TWA 800

Earhart's disappearance.

Tesla's papers, ideas, etc.


Anything/everything E.T./are we the only ones, living on this little anthill, in this huge vastness.

Bigfoot/sasquatch/yeti/abominable snowman/Jersey devil/Mothman...all that stuff.

What became of the Ark of the Covenant.

Alternate/parallel dimensions/realities.

Why does bottled water cost more than ice tea, Coca-Cola, milk, and gasoline.

If dogs could talk back, what would they say.

Who shot the deputy.

Were they that vain and did they really think that song was about them.

Meaning of life/life after death/God/etc.

People's "6th sense". Aka Spidey sense, vibes, the thing we know is there but choose to ignore.


Etc., Etc., Etc.
Why you think the legal definition of intent is inadequate.

Excellent question. For me it's a part of the 6th sense question. In the "5 senses" realm we couldn't possibly know someone else's intent. We can neither touch, nor taste, nor see, nor hear, nor smell anyone's intent yet we all seem to be able to determine what it is.

Intent happens in the mind. We may be able to make an assumption of their intent after they have acted on it in such a way we can see, hear, taste, feel, or smell, but those are still educated guesses. We cannot know what someone else is thinking before they act or communicate it in some way. Unless of course you have a sixth sense, such as is common among those with spouses and/or children.
I sincerely hope you're not referring to stuff like lizard people or holograms and the like. I hope you're referring to the fact that in order for them to fall that fast support must be cut out from under them, and in order for them to fall that fast straight down, support must be cut out from under them near simultaneously and in a progressive fashion to render the resistance of the lower/undamaged structure ineffective, so you don't have things like slowed collapse, toppling, partial collapse, portions falling away while others stand. Also keep in mind they were designed very strong against static vertical forces, and even lateral forces like hurricane winds and big plane strikes, but not so much for dynamic forces, like the top 20-30 story block getting some acceleration and crashing into the rest. That's kinda like the difference between being able to hold a cinder block (or chunk of steel or whatever), and being able to catch one dropped off the roof.

You'd still need symmetrical, even weakening though to make that happen evenly downward, which ain't exactly easy to get from some random fire or other "event".
  • Gravy
Reactions: wetwillie and nukes
I sincerely hope you're not referring to stuff like lizard people or holograms and the like. I hope you're referring to the fact that in order for them to fall that fast support must be cut out from under them

"I hope you're not talking about this stupid conspiracy theory because I only accept this other stupid conspiracy theory that I believe because I don't know shit about materials engineering or architecture or physics"
"I hope you're not talking about this stupid conspiracy theory because I only accept this other stupid conspiracy theory that I believe because I don't know shit about materials engineering or architecture or physics"

Not at all. Just that one is one where the "alternative theories" can get so outlandish so fast it's easy to lump it all together and discredit by association any legitimate skepticism.

I think that's like debate tactic #6 or #10 or something.
and yet you peppered your bullshit with terms like "static vertical forces" as if you know what the fuck you're talking about

I hope you're referring to the fact that in order for them to fall that fast support must be cut out from under them,

the only "fact" here is that this isn't skepticism but rather your unbridled stupidity and inability to learn new information that isn't fortune cookie sized leading you to buy into a conspiracy theory based on a gross misunderstanding of physics that a high school sophomore could correct

you don't rate an opinion on this, go vomit your dumbass ideas about 9/11 elsewhere

that was mean
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and yet you peppered your bullshit with terms like "static vertical forces" as if you know what the fuck you're talking about

the only "fact" here is that this isn't skepticism but rather your unbridled stupidity and inability to learn new information that isn't fortune cookie sized leading you to buy into a conspiracy theory based on a gross misunderstanding of physics that a high school sophomore could correct

you don't rate an opinion on this, go vomit your dumbass ideas about 9/11 elsewhere

I have to concede that I was in error. It was actually a combination of tactic #5 (demean opponents with ridicule, framing them as "kooks", uneducated, simpletons, etc.) and tactic #18 (emotionalizing, antagonizing, and goading opponents).

Point given, good sir.
  • Gravy
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As much as I would like to think DB Cooper made it and lived happily ever after, the odds of that happening are a bit thin. They're there, but thin. Although somebody supposedly did find some buried cash, so there's hope.
I would also like to know how with 7+ Billion people in the world, people still have an undescribable attraction to a single person and deem them "the one". Surely there has to be more than one, no? If there was only one, and you couldn't wander the earth far enough to find them, surely there must be more hermits, right?
I would also like to know how with 7+ Billion people in the world, people still have an undescribable attraction to a single person and deem them "the one". Surely there has to be more than one, no? If there was only one, and you couldn't wander the earth far enough to find them, surely there must be more hermits, right?
Of course there are others out there which you will match well with. Anyone who thinks there is only a single match per person is stupid like those who believe in a deity.
  • Gravy
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