Ontopic Mission to Uranus

Like I've been saying, millennials might be the last obligatory mortal generation. @Domon's kid could live to be a thousand
I'm hopeful about this treatment, my genetic History ain't that great and even at 50 my quality of physical life could stand to improve.
I wonder if the drug reverses male pattern baldness?
How cool would it be to get my long flowing mane of hair back???
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NASA just livestreamed a firing test of the RS-25 engine. It's basically just the SSME, updated. Damn thing put off some juice though.

Of course, the internet, in it's wisdom, went ballistic in the livestream comments section accusing NASA of polluting the air with carbon with this test...

Did they fail, though? Or did they actually succeed in their purpose, in getting so many people to believe that one result would happen that they didn't bother to vote, assuming they wouldn't need to, which resulted in a completely different action occurring which may have been the desired one by those in control in the first place.

Tell me corporations aren't reveling in both Brexit and a corporate friendly Trump. It worked out swimmingly for them in both cases.
Stop smoking so much weed. Yes, the predictions failed.

@Ledboots this article says that c-section's are more common in for-profit hospitals than non-profit. Do you find this true?
Yes!!! It's unbelievable, really. Cesareans are the most commonly performed surgery on females, as well. Just a couple of weeks ago, in Grand Rounds we had a fantastic speaker whose name I forget, who did a great presentation about his study on this very topic.

It's shocking how many c sections are done in the US, really, and the fact that for-profit hospitals do SO many MORE of them is just indefensible. The physicians don't make more money for a c section than they do a vaginal delivery, but the hospital sure does. This (extremely easy to look at ;)) doctor presenting said the reason pointed to fear of lawsuits. Cesareans have become safer legally than vag births in some twisted ass logic.

Women need to look at the c section rates in the hospitals in their areas (can vary from less than 20% to 50% or even higher). They need to choose the hospital and then find out which doctors deliver there. Most women tend to choose the doc or midwife and go to the hospital where that provider has privileges.

The good news is that things seem to be turning around. It's a clusterfuck at this point.
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