Ontopic Syria

What should be done

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There is no such thing as international law that exists without the boundaries of mutual cooperation between sovereign states except as pure symbolatry.

Law, for simplicities sake, is a set of mutually adhered to tenets by individual actors.

The United States is only beholden to international treaties which are ratified by congress (practically none of them). Also, in more practical terms, we can always find a reason. As a country we are drowning in lawyers. The power to direct various parts of the Armed Services rests solely in the executive branch so yeah, we can attack people on the president's say so. Whether or not it's popular or a good idea is questionable.


Can you tear that apart for me plz?
The part he's talking about generally applies to "conquest" type wars. In any case he is talking about cases tried by the ICJ which the US (as a permanent member of the security council) can veto.

So it's all completely academic.

Unenforceable laws are by definition symbolic.

Of course it's not enforceable. We're the US and unfortunately get to do what we want. But there are apparently "laws" against it, right?
we need to put massive trade embargo's on them, and buy all of russia's spare ammo so they aren't selling it to syria.

and then maybe i can get fucking ammo again.
not only should we not get involved at all but we should avoid any tasteless jokes and attempts at humor

because this is, of course, syria's business
I'm too drunk to read that, can you spell it out for a layman?
Ok lets look at it this way. Moot laws are moot, winners write history. Instead of crying about how the game is unfair maybe people should play to win.
So the US is official now supporting Arabs that kill Christians. What a fucking crazy world.