your home theater

Because i was talking about long sections of text and kindles, i.e. e-books etc.

see above.

I alwys put a reason in for editing. Im still waiting though for you to tell me I dont go to school and dont have X job. I didnt say anything about web content etc., did I mention kindles, books etc. I do believe I did.

You said it was all theorycrafting, put some force behind it, tell me I have no experience. Tell me I'm lying about what I do everyday.

You and polo can start a club.

Ah, and I thought you said you were a radiologist, not IT. Huge difference.

don't talk about me in that tone again or i'll pump your house full of raw sewage until you fucking drown
don't talk about me in that tone again or i'll pump your house full of raw sewage until you fucking drown

Holy shit.

aslfhaskldhfkjlsdhfsdjkfhasdkfhasdkfhskadfhkasdhfkjashfdhaksdfhskfhskhfkjfhskjadfhkhafsfasdhfjk :fly::fly::fly::fly::fly:

x's inifnity