Thread you guys are stuck with King Wickie for a while

allow me to introduce myself for those that know not of me.
I am King Wickie, leader of top5.
I am a Republican
I am a Christian
I am pro death penalty but anti abortions *unless incest or mom was raped*
I once ran a supermod and his GF off a forum
I was permabanned from stern fan network for posting the nudes of a members 18yr old daughter. She came into stckam and i took screen shotes then made a thread for her dad.
I love @Maureen and @strawberry love
I hate @Wessels and @lol
I think @APRIL is just the worst kind of person
Oh and I have a lazy eye
and if reading what you just posted doesn't trigger a "holy shit, he's right!" type response you should seek mental help immediately

im not even remotely kidding or trolling when saying this