Tampa Yeah, I'm never going "back to school"

Do you get to peek into the girls dorm rooms?

99% of the kids are out of all the rooms at the moment. When they are full I'm in the dorm rooms all the time if they need help. Typically repairs while the rooms are in use are just a pain in the butt and one of the more annoying tiny parts of my job. The kids always pile junk up in my way.

I did have to drop by some really hot Irish girls room yesterday and she apologized about being in a bikini when I showed up but I told her it was fine and I only needed a few minutes. It only took me a few minutes to repair the bad network jack too. ;) That dorm was suppose to be empty but for some reason Res life put a few international students for some summer camp in there.
99% of the kids are out of all the rooms at the moment. When they are full I'm in the dorm rooms all the time if they need help. Typically repairs while the rooms are in use are just a pain in the butt and one of the more annoying tiny parts of my job. The kids always pile junk up in my way.

I did have to drop by some really hot Irish girls room yesterday and she apologized about being in a bikini when I showed up but I told her it was fine and I only needed a few minutes. It only took me a few minutes to repair the bad network jack too. ;) That dorm was suppose to be empty but for some reason Res life put a few international students for some summer camp in there.

god dammit, that sucks. stupid res life.
Res Life always seems to be run by some of the biggest idiots everywhere I've ever seen. The fact that it probably doesn't pay that well and has a lot of student workers during the school year probably doesn't help either. Every summer they are suppose to provide an occupancy list to us and maintenance and they screw it up every time.

This summer to save money and avoid losing any equipment due to storms or whatever we're shutting down any of the unneeded equipment for summer term after all the cleaning and repairs are through. I'll just leave ups with environmental sensors and a switch or two up for alarm systems and emergency pole phones etc. This year is the first time we're totally shutting down some outer academic buildings for a month or two. Building managers have to take few weeks off. Sucks to be them.

We're still pushing a lot of cash at our Atlanta and Hong Kong Campuses and doing major construction here on a few buildings so they want to cut costs in other places. The termination list for BS positions has been really big for us the past week.