WTF Brighthouse?!?!?!


Are you wanting making fuck berserker?
So a few weeks ago I kept getting a call from some 866 number and they never left a message. They called all hours of the day and early evening up to 8pm or so. I finally got sick of aborting calls and answered it. It was a Brighthouse chick calling to remind me that a PPV UFC fight was coming up. In my life I have ordered one fight. I thanked her for the reminder (trying to be nice) and said no thanks.

Just now an 866 number came up and I answered immediately. It was a guy from BH telling me that they're offering RR at twice the speed I currently have.

WTF? I do not want these people bothering me. If I wanted more/additional/better services I'd ask for them. It's not like they're trying to do me a favor. It's all a ploy to get more money out of me. Fuck. Now my train of thought is broken and I'm back on the internet on an unassigned break time.
Worst part is, it's not really brighthouse, but some spam company in Orlando 'calling on behalf of brighthouse', and using that to get around the 'no call list'.

It's bullshit.
I recently had a home phone installed and the next day I started getting hounded by Brighthouse. They said, "Jaime, we see that you are not a current client." Actually I am a client. They said that they had no record of me being a client would I like to set up services. I've had BrightHouse since they were named Time Warner (approx 10 years). Thanks for valuing me as a customer
I hate Brighthouse but my experience with Verizon was much worse so it's not like I have much of a choice but to deal with them.
It's not worth the pain we went through when we had it. The service was nice, besides the 2sec delay switching channels.
I hated the delay. I hated that they would always update the FW on my box and crash it. And god forbid if you ever had to call them.