Halp What Kind of Palette is This?


Flaccid Member
Oct 29, 2004
Day #2,557: All efforts to convince Zac of April's fail have failed. Despair setting in. Might go kill another drifter to make the shakes go away.
"Class H - planets have extremely thin Oxygen / Nitrogen atmospheres. Specific gravities are within 0.8 to 2.6 Earth normal. Climate patterns are violent with temperatures from 45 to 400 degrees Celsius. Full life support required for colonization. Zero workable soil and harsh conditions make Organics production impossible. Good trace elements for equip but conditions make production a gamble at best. Excellent Ore production possibilities as material is often ejected by volcanic activity and found on the surface. Very dangerous for colony growth as unstable planetary crusts often lead to the complete loss of a colony. The Federation has been known to use Class H planets for defense of key sectors due to their large Ore base."
Day #2,557: All efforts to convince Zac of April's fail have failed. Despair setting in. Might go kill another drifter to make the shakes go away.

Day #2,558: Threw up the nastiest shit on Knyte; the hoard is now on its way to tear him apart.

i'm holding out for planet scotch, where chikken and i will rule with peaty fists.